Friday, 15 October 2010

Things To Do With the Kids on a Budget #SavvyHalfTerm

On Tueday I took part in my first ever 'Twitter Party' organised by British Mummy Bloggers, all about how to have a savvy half term. Mums from all over the country tweeted thier tips, links and advice on how to maintain your sanity and have fun over the half term - and they all used the hashtag #savvyhalfterm

There were prizes up for grabs too and I'm pleased to say I managed to win a Beauty Hamper courtesy of

For those of you that missed the party, I have compiled a list of all of my tweets for you (there's quite a few!) I hope you'll find something of interest - have a great half term!!
  • Get to the craft shop and get your children making Christmas cards - the family will love it.
  •  Play some old-school party games - musical statues, musical chairs etc.
  • Head outdoors with some 'bubble mixture' - you'll get some great pics of the kids having fun.

  • Instead of reading, get the kids to take in in turns to tell their own 'made up' stories - stimulate their imagination.
  • Always have a rewards chart going on - it makes the little ones 'want' to be good to get more stickers!
  • Make rice krispie cakes - nom nom nom.
  • Get rolls of paper and make some creative wrapping paper ready for Christmas.
  • Paint hardboiled eggs with scary halloween faces! 
  • On rainy days cut out pictures from magazines of things that you might see during a car journey (trees, trains etc) and stick them in a scrap book. Then when you travel, take the book with you and tick the items off when you see them - hours of fun! (I used twit-longer or this one!)
  • We'll be getting our shoe boxes ready and wrapped for Operation Christmas Child.
  • Working parents, get the kids to make up dance routines/plays to perform when you get home.
  • Make 'old' treasure maps by using a damp tea bag to 'age' the paper.
  • Play the memory game! Items on a tray, then take one away - A loves playing that one! 
  • Why not get the kids vlogging!?
  • We'll be hand printing then framing for grandmas christmas gift.
  • Make your own kites with plastic carrier bags and head to the park to *try* and fly them!  
  • Get the kids to make their own news paper - featuring the latest family news.
  • Make good old fashion puppets with socks!

  • Cut the front out of a cardboard box and get the kids to make their own TV show!
  • Head to the park for a family bike ride. 

  • Make old school musical instruments - rice shakers and rubber band guitars!
  • Let the kids cut up the Argos book and glue the presents they want on to a letter to Santa - they have to be good for longer!
  • Brave the cold - we head to the pine woods and collect pine cones to spray ready for Christmas 
  • We used to make up a play - rehearse all week and then perform it to the family! lol 
  • Get to your local museum - most are free.
  • Buy disposable cameras and get your kids taking pictures outdoors.
  • If its sunny head to the park with your friends and their little ones, take some books + have a teddy bears picnic.
  • On rainy days we build a 'den' inside and eat a packed lunch in it!
  • Glue an old photograph or a magazine pic to a piece of card then cut it up to make your own jigsaws!
  • I always used to make my own witches hat during half term - black card and neon paint! 
  • Get the kids scrap-booking with craft paper and family photos. They make great presents for loved ones.
  • We love treasure hunts but as A can't read yet, I draw clues as pictures. We have hours of fun 'hunting' for the end prize! 
  • Collect flowers from the garden with your kids and press them in a heavy book ready for making thank you cards on a rainy day.
  • Last one I promise! Wind the kids down after all that fun with a cup of warm milk, a nice bath and a bedtime story x

