Saturday, 30 October 2010

Getting Excited About Halloween

When I was younger I used to LOVE Halloween. I would spend the entire week of half term making my witches hat.

My Grandma would take me to the local craft shop and buy me everything I needed and then then the 'build' would begin. Even now, just talking about it, gives me that feeling of excitement that I used to get all those years ago.

I used to love everything about it, and every year I would try and persuade my mum to have a Halloween party but we never did. Don't get me wrong, Mum would make every effort to make Halloween fun. She's paint our faces, bob apples with us and force my dad to take us trick or treating around our estate but I ALWAYS wanted a party.

I guess I saw Halloween as being a bit like Christmas but instead of presents you just get sweets - a chocoholics dream! I hated the fact that I grew up and eventually couldn't go trick or treating any more - although I did prolong it for a little while - after all someone had to take my brother out on Halloween!

Now I'm the grown up and I have children of my own. This year I am soooooooo excited! Mister A is finally old enough to go trick or treating so this is my chance to get all dressed up again and go out on the prowl!

I've been calving out giant marrows from the garden and the pumpkin is almost complete. Tesco Clothing sent us outfits for the kids and we're all set for tomorrow's big day - even down to my stripy green and black tights!

Here's a sneaky peak of what the children will be wearing. Head down to Tesco now and get yours!!

I can not wait!! *does a little wee*

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