Saturday, 2 October 2010

Join the Blogger's Secret Santa...

As it's only 12 weeks 'til Christmas I thought it would be a really fun idea to host a blogger "Secret Santa."

What do you need to do?

To sign up you need to add your blog name to the Linky below then send me an email to (this is so I can contact you with further details).

Everyone that signs up will have their names put in to a hat. I will draw each name out in turn until we have a full link of Secret Santa's.

Once the Secret Santa ring is complete I will then email each of you to let you know which blogger you have to buy your gift for and let you know their address.

The rules are:
  • You must register before November 20th 2010 and send your details to me via email.
  • You must spend no more than 10 pounds.
  • All gifts must be posted by 5th December 2010 to allow for pre-Christmas delivery (we all know what Royal Mail are like!)
  • You must obtain proof of posting.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!!


  1. Sounds fun even though I have an aversion to talking about the C Word till mid November! I'll email you shortly.

  2. This sounds great! But only 12 weeks? Really?? Eek!

  3. This sounds like a great idea - I'm in ;-)

  4. Teehee! I'm excited! x

  5. Not everyone celebrates Christmas :(

    PS: It will make your life a lot easier if you set up an account for the draw.

  6. You should use Sly Santa to manage your exchange. It's by far the best Secret Santa site.

  7. Hi

    Please can you send me the details of my secret santa person again - I've got my present all ready to go and now I cant find the address you sent me ;-)

    Sorry to be a pain!

  8. Hi Leanne
    I posted on my own blog - as I'm just setting up and needed something interesting to say whilst I got to grips with how Wordpress works!

