Friday, 29 October 2010

The Next Baby Boutique Model Competition 2010

Have you entered your little one in the Next Baby Boutique Modelling Competition yet?

I've noticed a few friends popping up on Facebook with links to their gorgeous babas. Unfortunately Mister A is to old to enter this one (the age range is 0 - 36 months) but Little E is the perfect age.

Last week at the Baby Show we entered Little E in the 'Face of the Baby Show 2011' competition - we got to keep the pic - so why not! Little E was all smiles as soon as the camera was on her. There were so many beautiful shots that we even had trouble deciding which one to use for her entry.

This competition is different though because it's a 'most votes' competition. In my eyes this kind of competition isn't about the child or how gorgeous they are it's about how popular the parents are. I personally hate 'most votes' comps purely because I don't have enough friends to ever fend off the competition!

I know that this years model comp has sparked a lot of debate about child modelling and the ethics of it all but clearly Next are inundated with entries as they seem to have a backlog of entries on a daily basis!

I think due to time constraints I'll count Little E out of this one but I would love for either of my children to win something like this and if they made a little nest egg for themselves at the same time then why not? As long as they are having fun I would be completely happy for them to do a bit of modelling now and again.

Do you agree though? What are your thoughts on this 'hot topic'?

You can enter your child in the Next Baby Boutique Model Competition on Facebook until 12 noon on 16th December. Terms & Conditions apply.

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