Thursday, 28 October 2010

A long day out....The Baby Show Part 1

Last week I was lucky enough to be able to go to The Baby Show at Earls Court. I wasn't sure what to expect really - I went to the Clothes Show Live last year so I imagined it to be the baby version of that. Only this time, I knew I'd be able to get away with wearing flat shoes, rather than the stiletto heels that I stupidly wore for the Clothes Show. Don't even ask - I swear my toes are still bent from that very day. I had also been to a Christmas Show at the NEC when I was heavily pregnant with Mister A - I had worn a kitten heel to that one and ended up having to buy a pair of Crocs flip flops to wear with my lovely black tights! Anyway, I digress.

I knew it was going to be a long day so I tried to go to bed early but by the time I got to sleep it was well past 1am. The alarm woke me up at 4.30am and I had only just had time to jump in the shower, dry my hair and get dressed before feeding Little E, dressing her and getting to the train station for 5.45am.

When we arrived there were a couple of boys at the station (I was going to call them men but I don't consider a 21 year old to be a man these days - well not these ones anyway) They had been out all night, slept for a while at the station and were getting the first train home. I know this because I was with my mum and anyone that knows her will know that she likes to talk to waifs and strays! I'm pretty sure I used to think I was hardcore of I got the last train home but anyway...

After telling my mum off for talking to strangers we hopped on our first train of the day.

Quinny on the Train

And 4 hours and 3 trains later we made it to London.

I have to say it was a great day. As a Gurgle Girl, one of the first places I headed was the Gurgle and Mothercare stands and we timed our visit perfectly - Mylene Klass was making an appearance! Tor from Gurgle introduced us and I got to have a quick chat to Mylene - she even talked to me about my blog (she was one of the Gurgle Award judges) and her new baby bump. I think I have a lady crush on her - she's so nice and very pretty!

Me, Mylene and Little E

Feeling slightly star struck I decided to head over to the Cosatto stand to collect my goody bag. I have to admit I did feel slightly silly announcing "I'm a a Cosatto Mummy, now give me my goody bag!" but you know me - I'll do anything for a freebie!

We had a good old look around before heading to the Tommee Tippee feeding area. It was a special enclosed area with fancy gliding rocking chairs. Unfortunately it was too busy for me to fit in. I did notice that a few of the mums were bottle feeding in there which annoyed me slightly because there was plenty of room in the cafe's to do that and I'm still not great at feeding without exposing my whole boob. We decided to just grab a seat and I fed Little E at the cafe anyway. It was when we were sat there that we realised a horrible smell had been following us round - we had somehow managed to get dog muck on the wheel of the pram. This means that Mylene could clearly smell sh*t when we met her - sorry Mylene!

Poor mum spent the next 15 minutes cleaning the wheel with baby wipes - eeeuuurrrgghhhh! - then we headed to the Fisher Price Play Party.

[I'll tell you all about that later though - it's almost 1am and I need to go to bed - how very unprofessional of me!]


  1. Alli Marshall28 October, 2010

    Why should a bottle-feeding Mummy use a cafe & not the baby feeding facilities? I believe feeding your baby is an intimate moment even if you are bottle feeding. I reluctantly had to stop feeding my son at 3 weeks but I don't see why now I shouldn't use baby feeding facilities & should feed him in the cafe instead!

  2. I never said that you shouldn't use the facilities I just said that it annoyed me at the time. I would be more than happy to bottle feed in public- wapping my boob out on the other hand needs a little more discretion and I would have preferred to have been able to use the feeding area. I did say it was because of my own insecurities that I was annoyed and I agree that feeding is an intimate moment regardless of whether that's by breast or bottle.

