Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Mister A Reviews: Zingzillas The Album

This week Mister A was very excited to receive "Zingzillas The Album". We put it on straight away and danced crazily in the living room.

For those of you that don't know, Zingzillas is a music show on CBeebies. It's set on an island and the shows stars, primatess - Zak, Tang, Panzee and Drum are together known as the Zingzillas. Each episode we here different music from all over the world.

So what did we think?

Mummy's Verdict

Mister A absolutely loves this album which means that he wants it on permanently. I know what you're thinking - sounds like a nightmare - but it isn't! The CD has 26 tracks so it's not half as repetitive as watching Thomas the Tank over and over again!

This CD has already brought us hours of fun because it's not often that we do something so silly together as a family - even Daddy joined in with the dancing!

The first track is the Zingzillas theme tune and this is were I feel I need to warn you. You see this song is still in my head now and it doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing it will just come out... "Welcome to the band...ZingZilla's, Let me show you round, Each one lends a hand, Making that ZingZilla sound." Last night I found myself singing it in Tesco's!!

So if you don't see me on here for a while it's because I've been taken away by the men in white coats!

Mister A's Verdict

"Alex, what do you think of the Zingzilla's Album?" "Mummy, It's really, really cool"

So that's a thumbs up!

Track List
  1. ZingZillas Theme - Featuring The BBC Concert Orchestra
  2. Welcome To The Island - Featuring Bagpipe Player Martin McKay
  3. Do You Didgeridoo? - Featuring Didgeridoo Player Dhinawan
  4. Happy Day - Featuring Vibraphone Player Jim Hart
  5. The Great ZingZilla Band - Featuring Trumpeter Jay Phelps
  6. Let's Hear You Scat - Featuring Scat Singer Dame Cleo Laine And Friends
  7. The Big Zing Opera - Featuring Opera Singers Sarah Connolly And David Milner-Pearce, With The BBC Concert Orchestra
  8. Rocking In A Rock Band - Featuring Rock Band The BMQ
  9. Drift Away - Featuring Harpist CatrinFinch
  10. Bhangra Beat - Featuring Bhangra Band JugnuBhangra
  11. Playing A Solo - Featuring The BBC Concert Orchestra
  12. Boogie WoogieBubbly Time - Featuring Pianist ElioPace
  13. Litter, Litter, Litter - Featuring Clarinetist Julian Bliss
  14. Making A Big Noise - Featuring Taiko Drummers HitenRyuDaiko
  15. I've Never Heard A Sound As Absurd - Featuring OompahBand The Bavarian Stompers
  16. Playing Together Makes It Twice As Fun - Featuring Cellist Julian Lloyd-Webber
  17. The Ringing Of A Bell - Featuring Percussionist Dame Evelyn Glennie
  18. Moving House - Featuring Saxophonist James Knight
  19. Have You Ever Lost? - Featuring The BBC Concert Orchestra
  20. Our Island Home - Featuring Gamelan Band Lila Cita
  21. Feel The Rhythm Of Flamenco - Featuring Spanish Guitarist Angus Cruickshank And Castanet Player Veronica Menichelli
  22. Friendship Never Ends - Featuring Organ Player Dr. Lonnie Smith
  23. Bluegrass, Bluegrass - Featuring Bluegrass Band Kickin' Alice
  24. Do You Want To Have Fun? - Featuring Flautist Sir James Galway
  25. Do A, Do A, Do A Duet - Featuring Harmonica Player Phillip Achille
  26. It's Your Birthday - Featuring Traditional Jazz Band The Silk Street Hot 7

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