Sunday, 2 January 2011

Win Fab Prizes in the Blogerversary Giveaway

To celebrate my 1 year blogerversary I have some lovely goodies for you to win. Just follow the entry instructions for each prize. Simples!!

Frontcover Wide Eyed Set

To be in with a chance of winning this fabulous set - the same as the one I reviewed a couple of weeks ago (it's amazing by the way) all you need to do is Subscribe to Second Time Mummy by Email  but remember you MUST confirm the subscription when you receive the email!

Disney Sing It Family Hits Game

To be in with a chance of winning Disney Sing It Family Hits just make sure you 'like' Second Time Mummy on Facebook - the game will go to one lucky liker!

A Rachel's Farm Cooler Bag Filled with Goodies

To win the Rachel's Organics Hamper you need to be following Second Time Mummy on Google Friend Connect.

and finally....

5 x Schwarzkopf OSiS Shine Dusters

I will be giving away Shine Dusters to 5 lucky twitter followers - just make sure you are following @second_time_mum and to be extra nice tweet...

I want to win an OSiS Shine Duster in the fabulous @second_time_mum blogerversary giveaway. More prizes to be won at

Prizedraws close on Sunday 30th January at midnight. Random draws will be made for each item(s).

Good luck and thank you for supporting me over the past year!

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