Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy New Year - No Resolutions for me!

Happy 2011 everyone!

I can not actually believe I'm saying that already. 2010 seems to have just flown by - this time last year I was in the early stages of pregnancy and just 6 days in to my blogging adventure. A year on, I'm sat here everyday blogging away, whilst rocking the baby bouncer with my foot and feeling so lucky to have 2 beautiful children.

So, it's January 1st and I would usually be thinking about New Years Resolutions but let's face it - none of us ever really stick to those do we?! Instead I have written a list of my hopes and to-do's for 2011 so I thought I'd share...


I hope that when I'm forced back to work in February I won't miss my children too much and be forced to cry at my desk everyday staring at their picture.

I hope that I will be able to stop injecting the nasty Clexane in to my tummy every single day by the end of February - the DVT nurse said six months after Little E was born I should *fingers crossed* be able to stop.

I hope that Mister A gets in to the school that we want him to go to and that come September we are all ready for his first day at 'big school'.

I hope that we can have a holiday this year - even just a weekend away somewhere as a family - before I head back to the office.

I hope for health, wealth and a new fridge freezer!


Eat dinner at the table, as a family, every single day.

Lose the baby weight - I'm not sure how I'm going to do this, but I must - at the moment I'm thinking WeightWatchers and Wii games.

Arrange the best ever 4th Birthday party for Mister A.

Successfully wean Little E off the boob and on to solids ensuring that she doesn't evolve in to the fussy eater that Mister A has suddenly become.

Get to Cybermummy and meet up with all of my wonderful blogger friends - without the children!

Make the house look better!

and finally...

Be the best Mum that I can be and maybe, just maybe persuade Chris to make me his wife after THE longest engagement in history! - although maybe I should have added a 'dreams' section for that one!!

Best Wishes to everyone!!

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