Sunday, 2 January 2011

Amanda Holden Keeps Her Pregnancy Secret for 6 Months!

I've just read the news that Amanda Holden is 6 months pregnant with her second baby and  she's managed to keep it a secret for all that time. Massive congratulations to her and her family.

What an amazing woman she must be to have hidden her bump from the paparazzi for that length of time! No doubt she will have told family and close friends and it's great that no one has given in and 'leaked' her news to the media - sadly that happens all too often these days with so-called friends of the stars.

When I found out I was pregnant with Little E, I just couldn't wait to tell everyone one the news although we did wait until our 12 week scan before we revealed our secret. There is no way I could have kept my bump concealed for 6 months though - it was huge by that point!

What about you? Did you tell everyone as soon as you found out or did you hang on to share because of health issues? Share your story...

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