Monday, 10 January 2011

I love you Manolo Blahnik and now you are MINE!

I sit here writing this post with THE biggest smile on my face - something amazing has happened, something that I could never have imagined would ever happen - I am about to become the proud owner of one pair of Manolo Blahnik heels.

This morning was just like any other day, I woke up to a child clambering over the bed, I checked the clock and realised I'd forgotten to set the alarm - again - damn you 9.30am, you always take me by surprise.

I scrambled out of the duvet and headed downstairs to make breakfast. Mister A ate whilst I jumped in the shower, little did I know what was about to unfold.

Once dry and dressed I logged on to Facebook, you know, just to see where everyone was at on this fine Monday morning.. and there it was...

My heart started pounding out of my chest. I had only entered to win late last night and didn't think I'd have a chance against over 10,000 other possible entrants. I was wrong though, I won. The smile that spread across my face still remains.

Just look at them....

... I can't stop staring at them, they are just beautiful.

Now I know you're probably wondering what I had to do to win them, and just because I am so happy, I'll share my reply... but don't laugh, after all I did win.

My winning status...

I'm am one very happy lady, words cannot describe the feeling that a woman gets when Manolo Blahnik comes in to their life. I am about to become fashionable, my feet won't know what's going on, will they ever go back to wearing New Look pumps? I think not. I fear I may have started something that I will not be able to control.

They arrive tomorrow - expect more posts.

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