Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Vote for me please - Zippy Snow Suit Invention

Last week I tried to get Little E in to her snow suit in a rush. This proved to be the most horrendously time consuming task you can imagine! Because the suit is so padded (obviously) I could not get her arms in to the arm holes! It was an absolute nightmare! It took at least 20 minutes, 20 minutes that a new mum like me can not afford to spare. So I decided to submit an invention to a Time Saving Competition being run by Hotmail.

I've named it the 'Zippy Snowsuit'.

It's a baby snow suit that has a zip around the edges rather that at the front. You just lay your baby on it and zip it round her (like a baby sleeping bag). It would save me soooo much time.

If you think it's a good idea then please, please please, click here and 'like' my invention.

Thanks Peeps!

