Monday, 1 November 2010

Halloween 2010

Well last night, as expected, I was the most excited one to be getting dressed up. I had even bought some stripy green and black tights especially for the occasion. 'One Size Fits Most' said the packet. One size fits most children it should have said! Alex though it was hilarious that my tights could only be pulled up to my knees. Not one to be beaten though, I cut the top and the toes off and slid the 'legs' over my trusty old black tights. That's effort for you!

There was a bit of a chill in the air too so I turned my coat inside out so the purple lining was on the outside. I donned my hat and some vampy red lipstick and I was ready to go.

I found myself saying the same sentence over and over again... "Come on Mister A, get ready quick or it'll be too late!" I am such a child! Alex didn't want to wear the 'bat hat' that came with the costume because it didn't look like the real Batman so he wore the mask from his dress up box with the Tesco fancy dress costume. We got Little E in to her witches outfit and eventually we were ready to go - even daddy joined in with a strange dopey purple scream mask.

A baby witch and a Batman!
We hung our courgettes out on the driveway and headed to a couple of houses in search of treats....

I know you're loving the tights!

Daddy in his scary mask!

A wonderful evening of fun! Big thanks to Tesco Clothing for the children's outfits!

1 comment:

  1. A very commendable effort with your tights! Glad you had fun!

