Friday, 5 November 2010

Time Saving Invention Anyone?

I've just received an email from Hotmail announcing a competition to win £10,000. All you have to do is come up with a time saving invention and describe it in 350 characters or less, the winner gets £10,000 and their invention will be made into a prototype!

I can think of a few things that would save me time, a self cleaning kitchen, a magical wardrobe that can dress each member of the family each morning in clean, ironed, colour co-ordinating clothes, a bed that makes itself - the list could go on!

Seriously though, it's certainly got me thinking. Since I started blogging, I've met so many successful Mumprenuers (allbeit in Cyberspace) that I would love to join in on the party and I can certainly think of plenty of ways to spend the ten grand winnings!

I'm pretty sure we've all thought of a time saving invention that we'd love to get 'out there' but we just didn't know how to go about doing it - which is why I thought I'd share this with you. This is not a sponsored post, I am not receiving anything for posting this, I just thought that maybe one of us might have that winning idea!

I'm off to submit my entry now, you should too!
Vote for my invention... the "Zippy Snowsuit"

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