Monday, 22 November 2010

Review: CBeebies Song Time (2 CD Album)

For the past couple of weeks our house has been taken over by CBeebie Fever! You see, ever since the CBeebies Song Time Album dropped through our letter box for us review, we've done nothing but sing and dance to it - even in the car!

So what did we think?

Mummy's Verdict

Having finally just gotten over the accidently singing the Zingzilla's theme tune whilst doing my big shop - I now find I have a whole album full of tv theme tunes buzzing round my head.

As usual, Mister A absolutely loves anything musical and thinks 'it's so cool' that we can listen to CBeebies even in the car where there isn't even a TV!

It's a 2 cd album and there are plenty of tracks to keep you going without it driving you insane. It's nice that as a family we can all sing along to some of the tunes - Zingzilla's and Space Pirates are my favourites! 

The CD has 50 tracks in total, most of which you will find yourself singing along to but some were new to us too.

All in all, we really enjoy it and it's helped us out on what would have been some 'boring' car journeys. Definitely a fab little stocking filler!

Mister A's Verdict

"Alex, what do you think of the CBeebies Album?" "Mummy, It's really, really good, it's got Zingzillas and Tommy Zoom."

So another big thumbs up for CBeebies!

Track Listing:

Disc One

  • 1. Zingzillas Theme [Zingzillas]
  • 2. When We Play In A Band [Lazytown]
  • 3. SDS Theme Tune [Postman Pat]
  • 4. Something Special Theme And Hello Song [Something Special]
  • 5. In The Night Garden Opening Theme [In The Night Garden]
  • 6. Theme [Gigglebiz]
  • 7. Charlie And Lola Theme Tune [Charlie And Lola]
  • 8. Title Music [Timmy Time]
  • 9. Theme [Green Balloon Club]
  • 10. Time For Yogo [Waybuloo]
  • 11. Theme [Big Cook Little Cook]
  • 12. Theme [Guess With Jess]
  • 13. Theme [Tinga Tinga Tales]
  • 14. Theme [3rd & Bird]
  • 15. Theme [Big & Small]
  • 16. Theme [64 Zoo Lane]
  • 17. Theme [Dirtgirlworld]
  • 18. Theme [Driver Dan's Story Train]
  • 19. Miss Smiley's Summer Show [Grandpa In My Pocket]
  • 20. Numberjacks 'Ultimate' Medley [Numberjacks]
  • 21. Theme [Nuzzle And Scratch]
  • 22. Theme [Show Me Show Me]
  • 23. Theme [Garth & Bev]
  • 24. On Bobby's Buses [Me Too!]
  • 25. The Uki Song [Uki]

Disc Two

  • 1. Can We Fix It? [Bob The Builder]
  • 2. The Great Zingzilla Band [Zingzillas]
  • 3. Space Pirates Theme [Space Pirates]
  • 4. No.1 [Tweenies]
  • 5. Theme [Yoko! Jakamoto! Toto!]
  • 6. Say "Eh Oh" [Teletubbies]
  • 7. I Am The Monkey [Something Special]
  • 8. What's The Story In Balamory [Balamory]
  • 9. Honk Our Horns [Chuggington]
  • 10. Theme [Alphablocks]
  • 11. Theme [I Can Cook]
  • 12. Theme [Big Barn Farm]
  • 13. Theme [Little Robots]
  • 14. Theme [Tommy Zoom]
  • 15. Theme [Mister Maker]
  • 16. Theme [Kerwhizz]
  • 17. Theme [Lunar Jim]
  • 18. Tellytales Theme And Jack And The Beanstalk [Tellytales]
  • 19. Theme [Zigby]
  • 20. Theme [Wibbly Pig]
  • 21. Theme [Mama Mirabelle]
  • 22. Theme [Finley The Fire Engine]
  • 23. Theme [Pingu]
  • 24. Theme [Penelope]
  • 25. Time To Go To Sleep [In The Night Garden]


  1. OMG- are there moments where you think death would be a sweet release? I say that as someone who hums CBeebies themes without the benefit of a CD for the car!

  2. LMAO - Its not as bad as you think, well at least not until you are purely in the company of adults and start singing the Guess With Jess theme tune!

