Thursday, 31 March 2011

Budget Gift Ideas For Mother's Day

A new report from Budget car hire has highlighted that 2 in 3 Brits are now neglecting to celebrate Mother’s Day. I find that really sad, Mother's Day is so important and whilst I agree that it has become a commercial money making event, you really don't have to spend to make your Mum smile. Here's my top tips for a budget Mother's Day...

Make Your Own Cards
Last year Mister A made me a fabulous card (above), that cost just pennies to make. I still have it stored in a special keepsake box. There is something so special about childrens homemade cards and gifts, you really can't go wrong.

Treat Her
My ideal Mother's Day would to be woken up by my children and treated to breakfast in bed by my other half. It's the simple little things that count. Cook her dinner, do the dishes - do something you usually wouldn't - even if it's just replacing the loo roll (grrrr)!

Have Some Family Fun
A Mum loves nothing more than seeing her children smile so why not head to the park and have a giggle. We have a boomerang and when we take it to the park we always end up in fits of laughter - usually because Daddy made it and it never comes back!

This one is for Mums with a sweet tooth! Make some gingerbread (very cheap) and ice your lovely Mothers Day message on to it. 

Make A Memory Box
Get the kids to decorate an old shoe box with crafty bits and pics and then fill it with memories. She'll love it! 

Make a Mothers Day Collage
Use old magazines to cut out words that link to your mum and stick them all down with copies of family photos.

WIN: Why not share your best tips for Mother’s Day money saving ideas. We will pick the best response and the lucky winner will get a weekend (Friday to Sunday) free car hire courtesy of Budget. 

Just comment with your tip below to be in with a chance of winning but make sure you leave a contact method!

Competition closes Midnight Sunday 3rd April 2011. Standard Budget T&Cs apply:,Rental_Advice


  1. How about pick some flowers and tie a pretty ribbon round them? Or make breakfast in bed extra special by cutting the toast into shapes?

  2. Oops. @kateagreen on twitter!

