Saturday, 25 September 2010

Yummy Mummy Morning - Molton Brown Giveaway

I saw a post in the British Mummy Bloggers forums about a month ago - it was in the Northwest Mums (and Dads) group - inviting us to a Yummy Mummy Morning at the Lowry Outlet Mall in Manchester.

Curious, I read the post and as soon as I the words 'MOLTON BROWN' and 'GOODY BAG' I immediately responded!

To me Molton Brown is a bit like Brad Pitt - gorgeous, rich and a little bit out of my league. Being a mummy on a budget, I have never been able to treat myself to such wonderful luxuries, so this was an opportunity that I could not afford to miss.

I booked a place for me and my mum to go and on Wednesday this week, 3 generations of our family (that's my mum, me and Ellissia) tackled the M58, the M6 and the M62 in search of pampering and goodies!

We had to arrive between 11am and 2pm but being a new mummy we only actually managed to arrive at ten minutes to two - you know how it is!

We were treated to tea and biscuits and I was given a choice of 4 different ranges to choose from for my hand and arm massage - inspiring, relaxing, blissful or nurturing. I opted for Relaxing Yuan Zi and it was amazing - it chilled me out and gave me some much deserved pampering - even if I do say so myself!

When we were leaving we were handed a goody bag each.

I was like a child at Christmas and couldn't wait to see what was inside...

I wasn't disappointed - 5 gorgeous mini Molton's!! And guess what? My mum has kindly donated her goody bag so I can give it away to one of you lucky peeps!

Want to win? There are lots of ways to enter, you get one entry for each..

and RT the message: "RT Ive entered the Molton Brown Giveaway at #SecondTimeMummy - you should too"

Comment below telling me what you do to relax with your family.

To confirm your entry you must leave a comment below to tell me how you are entering or send an email to with a list of what you have done.

Good Luck Everyone!

This competition will close at midnight on Saturday 9th October (mums birthday!) and a winner will be randomly selected.

Find more prizes at ThePrizeFinder - UK Competitions.


  1. Already follow on Google friend connect

  2. Tweeted!/SingleMummyNet/status/25504528517

  3. Our favourite thing to do is for me and J to put on one of our favourite DVD's at the moment its between Firehouse Dog and George of the Jungle and we get his Duvet and snuggle on the sofa watching it. Its bliss :D

  4. Your Mum is fab! :)
    I have to admit that I have heard of Molton Brown but it doesn't usually fit into my budget so I've (gulp) never tried it, although hear freat things!

    I've RT'd and am following you on here and Twitter and "like" on FB. Great giveaway!!

  5. I'm trying to teach Lara the joys of a relazing bath with bubbles and everything but somehow it never seems that relaxing when she's in the bath! We tend to chill out in the evenings to Peppa Pig together - Daddy likes it!

  6. I love Molton Brown. As a family we chill in front of the TV with some chocolate!! Personally a hot bubble bath is my chill out zone!! Will RT on Twitter!!

  7. Will enter all ways, am alrwady following you! Will go tweet now :)

  8. Following and RT'd @missielizzieb

  9. Joined you on Facebook Missie Lizzie

  10. Hmmm, what do I do to relax with the family?

    Would it be very wrong to say "send daughter to Granny's"? Lol.

    Or, a nice long walk in the park :0)

  11. I would love to be in Molton Brown heaven.

    I have tweeted, facebooked and follow your blog (although this is via greader not connect)

  12. following through google friend connect, following and tweeting on twitter, @melspur
    liked on facebook and to relax i take my boys upstairs and we watch tv or a blu ray or dvd in my bedroom, which is usually out of bounds to the kids, so they love it, we all snuggle up on the bed taking up as much space as possible and chill

  13. Following you on facebook, following your blog, following you on twitter, elasticagirl, have tweeted.

  14. Would love to win this. Baby and I relax listening to Classic FM on the radio.

  15. Our favourite thing to relax is to take a walk in the forest, my little one loves looking for tracks and listening out for wildlife

  16. following through google friend connect, following and tweeting on twitter, @ashlallan, to relax i have a bath

  17. Liked on FB & following on Twitter :)

  18. Tracy Keates26 September, 2010

    Liked on Facebook

  19. liked on fb-milo preece

    following @gemgem26wales

    we love to go to the beach with our dog xx me my mam and dad and take lots of pics with milo having a ball and loving the sea xx

  20. We love to walk the dogs on the beach or in the countryside, then a nice BBQ when we get home :)

    following blog (melvis), liked on fb, following on twitter (_melvis_) & have RT'd (

    Good Luck everyone xxx

  21. We watch a film together at least once a week. Relaxing, and something we all enjoy, especially with a big bowl of popcorn :)


    Followed the blog
    Followed on Twitter
    Liked on Facebook

  22. As little as possible, we like to spend quality time together, watching family films, going for walks and eating lovely family friendly meals!

  23. Relaxing with family? It's like wrestling dinosaurs - never happens! However, looking forward to first family holiday abroad in years to celebrate daughters 16th birthday so anticipate lots of relaxation, peace, harmony, silence and ...... being ignored - perfection LOL

    Have tweeted and facebooked

  24. Liked on Facebook and retweeted on twitter.

    Relaxing with the family I love it when the sun shines and we can all go out somewhere - not today though!

  25. Like on Facebook, fowlling on twitter and Rted message as requested. @CoxeeFoxy

    As we are always rushing during the week, our week-ends are precious and we usually spend them together and choose carefully what to do as we don't like wasting our family quality time. Relaxing with my family could be preparing a meal together and sit down in our dining room, and then watching a nice family movie together or planing a nice day out.

  26. what a lovely thing for your mom to do xx

    I have like on FB (Donna Baxter)

    Follow and retweeted on twitter (dmbaxt)

    Following the blog.

    I love to relax with the family when we all get together at mom's for a curry (dad pays of course!!). It's great for us all to get together and chat about what's going on and who's up to what with whom!!

  27. We love going for long walks in nearby countryside on the weekend!

    I'm following here, on Twitter and on Facebook and have RTd the message.

  28. tweeted @ellmo1964 thanks x

  29. I have tweeted, facebooked and follow your blog @emmacella

  30. liked on facebook
    following through google friend connect following and tweeting on twitter @ginadoc
    relax with the family watching movie together

  31. tweeted


  32. My family relax by making music together. My daughter and husband play guitar and my two little ones love shaking bells and singing along. It's really therapeutic after a hard day just to chill out and have fun!

  33. Followed on Google Friend Connect.

  34. Follow on Twitter and retweeted.

  35. ok - have followed blog, followed on twitter (@josie301) and RT'd

    My family and I love to go to the park - I have 3 children and it is a great way to let them burn off excess energy (although I wish they could share a little with me!)

    Jo x

  36. I'm following you through google connect.

    We love to go on long bike rides

  37. I'm ashamed to say, we watch TV and play Xbox

  38. a relaxing day would be a trip to nanny & grandads, my son loves to run around in their garden & be spoilt by his nan-nan & gran-gran!

    i follow your blog & on twitter(@emmav6) & facebook(emma walters), i have re-tweeted too xx

  39. Sarah Walford29 September, 2010

    Liked on Facebook. A relaxing day for us would be a day at home on a sunny day in the garden with the paddling pool and other summer toys out. I definately have outside children who just love to run and play. This would be fab

  40. We all love to play board games together like Scrabble or Snakes and Ladders, its really relaxing and makes us closer as a family.

  41. I have tweeted, follow you through Friend Connect, have joined you on Facebook too. We love to go for a walk on the common and spend time together or if the weather is really bad then play board games or do some crafts together. I really enjoy spending time as a family having fun and just chilling out, it's what makes us a close family :)

  42. would love to win l will follow and post on face book please pick me

  43. Already follow you! To relax we go to Hampstead heath and walk. If it's nice we picnic there, otherwise we come home and have movie day. The three year old loves curling up on the sofa with me to watch Thumbelina or something fun. It's nice to just relax!

  44. retweated @xcrossthepond. Thank your generous mum!

  45. I've liked, followed and tweeted - I love Molton Brown, how generous of your mum!

  46. Have liked on FB and also Tweeted. We like to play games like I Spy, and the alphabet game (name an animal beginning with A...) It's fun and helps long journeys to go quickly.

  47. hi following on gfc: stephanie cummins...


    following on fb: stephie marie

    to relax with my family we like to go the marina were they have a childrens play park and a little cafe were me and my oh have latte's

  48. Now following you on Twitter hun and RT you. Good luck everyone sounds a fab prize x p.s. Happy Birthday to your mum x

  49. Following on twitter and RT @lillyfer85
    We like to play games to relax and have a bit of fun, either compete on the Wii or play a good board game

  50. I am afollower of your blog and on facebook.

    To relax my family go to the park, there's a paddling area and lots of swings, roundabouts, slides etc, we always take a picnic and some toys like footballs and the space hopper, we have a great time.

  51. Following your blog. I already follow you on twitter and have RTd(@justforcomps)

  52. Following on twitter and tweeted

  53. We most relax all together on a picnic, anywhere its just time away from busy lives and school, stuffing our faces helps too!!!

  54. We cook together... We usually bake a large chocolate cake..
    We all eat then someone volunteers to wash up and clean the kitchen...
    meeee ofcourse

  55. We relax by... Er, Mmm? What does that even mean? ;) Normally a DVD, duvet and lots of cuddles :)

    following your blog

  56. Following on Twitter (@in_sweet_hiding)

  57. We go to the park and feed the ducks!

    Love the blog,


  58. Kelly Ashford08 October, 2010

    Our favourite relaxing thing to do as a family is to sit down together in the evening, turn off the lights and watch a DVD (preferably with a sweet or two!!).

    Have liked on Facebook and Retweeted & following on Twitter!

  59. The kids are getting older now (13, 12, 11 & 9), so it can be hard to pin them all down for a family night, we do like having a 'movie' night or getting the pool table out.
    Hubby has said we'll all play scrabble tonight which I haven't played with the kids since they were little, I've a feeling I may lose. hehehe..

  60. My family likes to laze about doing absolutely nothing to relax.

    Have followed and tweeted - @Sweetbecci

  61. Eleanor Daniels08 October, 2010

    Entered via facebook, you could contact me there :)

  62. Followed the blog GFC Catherine MacLennan
    Followed on Twitter @fraoch1
    Tweeted @fraoch1
    Liked on Facebook Cathy MacLennan

    To relax we like to walk the dogs around the pier walkway where we live and spend some time playing on the large field.

  63. I follow the blog, liked on facebook and followed and tweeted @onions on Twitter.

    I like to relax with my family by going on a long walk and perhaps a little bit of Geocaching as it's fun for the kids.

  64. tweeted & followed @kikicomp

    followed blog

    liked on facebook kiki woo

    to relax we bounce on the trampoline

  65. to relax with the family i take them to a park where they can enjoy playing with the swings and slides, afterwards we go for a short walk along a beach its so beautiful.
    done all three all to entre comp,
    twitter @caizley, facebook.

  66. Sarah Arnet08 October, 2010

    liked on facebook (Arnett Sarah) RT on twitter cabincrew73

  67. Have liked you on Facebook :o)

  68. liked on FB and following the blog :o)

    we relax every Saturday with a cornetto each and watch [dr who when its on] Merlin and x factor, the kids love the cornetto treat lol

  69. Like on facebook, follow on twitter @alsmonster
    Love to take kids on the hill and have a picnic.

  70. Hi, Please count me in. :)

    RT'd/Followed on Twitter and Liked on Facebook.


  71. we love to flop in front of telly - not very original but it's become our favourite on a Saturday night. have rt'd message. @benabilou

  72. To relax with the family??? Well, there's loads! Anything outdoors works for us - usually involving getting muddy, tired and windswept. Off late long bike rides with the kids and mummy and daddy chasing after. Nicolax

  73. i've joined the blog, RT the messages and joined on facebook x
    Me and my boys like to play the dance game on the Wii, even my 1 year old likes playing it , we always have a laugh and its the nicest way to relax and have fun with the kids at the same time x

  74. we like to having a pj, bake yummy things and eat them all! I've tweeted and i follow


  75. I've tweeted and I already follow you ;-)

    We have pyjama days when we need a complete relax which is more often that you'd think lol

  76. We enjoy going on a nice walk along the canal near where we live.

    I have tweeted as @nelsonclaire and follow your blog.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your very generous Mum!

