Tuesday, 7 September 2010

I'm a Gurgle Girl!

I'm soooo excited about this! As you know I won a Gurgle Award earlier this year for 'Best Fashion Blog by a Mummy' and a few weeks ago I was approached by the very same peeps and asked if I would like to become 'a Gurgle Girl'!

Never one to turn down a fabulous opportunity, I gleefully accepted. So now it's official - look I have a badge and everything!

So you're probably wondering what a Gurgle Girl actually is?

Well you might say that we're Gurgle blog advocates – there are 10 of us altogether - and we'll be reviewing products and events and then telling you guys all about it. We're also planning to meet up and talk all things 'Gurgle' so watch this space for all the gossip!

Before I go, let me introduce you to the other Gurgle Girls...

Pippa from A Mothers Ramblings
Emily from Baby Rambles
Hoi-Tse from Tea With One Sugar Please
Hazel from Hot Cross Mum
Holly from It's a Mummy's Life
Erin from Jolly Old England
Laura from Are we nearly there yet mummy
Peggy from Perfectly happy Mum
Jen from Mum is the Madhouse

To find out more follow me on Twitter and look out for the hash tag #gurglegirls.

