Friday, 10 September 2010

Our family trip to Legoland Discovery Centre, Manchester - A Picture Review

*This is not a sponsored post*

I recently entered a competition on Twitter to win the chance to do a 'tweet review' of the Legoland Discovery Centre in Manchester. And guess what? The lucky mother that I am - I won a family ticket!

If you're wondering what a 'tweet review' is then search #LDCreview on Twitter to see for yourself!

When we set out, we weren't sure what to expect. We had heard stories of horrendous queues and long waits for the attractions - but we went there with open minds. I have to say- I could tell that Chris was really excited, he loves Lego - but he was trying to be discreet about it.

Mister A and Daddy outside LDC Manchester

We arrived at LDC on Wednesday afternoon and, as the kids had all gone back to school, there were no queues at all and we walked straight in.

Mister A was really excited and we followed the signs to 'The Factory Tour'. We waited with baited breath as the timer counted down and the doors began to open. We were greeted by 'Mrs Brick-a-Brack' who promised to show us how real Lego bricks are made and she asked if Alex could help.

With Mrs Brick-a-Brack

 He was more than happy to oblige and stepped up for the challenge...

Mister A turns the wheel to make the Lego bricks

After making us all a special Lego brick to take away Mister A was keen to proceed to the next attraction...

The Kingdom Quest ride

This is a great ride for the kids. You climb aboard your chariot on a quest to defeat skeletons and trolls using your on board laser gun and your mission is to rescue the princess. We were a little worried that A might be frightened as the ride is quite dark but he absolutely loved it and ended up going on it 3 times!!!


Miniland was fab - it's a miniature, moving, Lego version of the North West and uses nearly 1.5 million Lego bricks. Here's a sneaky peek...



Fascinating! I don't think I could have the patience to build such masterpieces with tiny pieces of Lego! Next up was the 4D experience in the Lego Studios but not before Mister A had had a swim in what I'm calling 'the Lego pool'.

LEGO Studios

This was my favourite! My first 3D film, well I suppose it's 4D but I won't tell you why - you'll have to find out for yourself. There are 2 films to watch - Bob the Builder and Kingdom Quest. We watched Bob the Builder and we all loved it despite looking ridiculous in our 3D glasses!

DUPLO Village

Daddy's favourite! My boys spent ages here building a house...

Mister A did help - honest!

There are other fab areas too - Lego Racers: Build and Test - where you can build your own racing car and race it on a series of downhill slopes and the Model Builders Workshop - where you can learn all of the secrets of Lego building from the masters but, at 3 and a half years old, Mister A was a bit too young to appreciate them. There is also the Princess Palace - a small area with lots of pink Lego for the girls to build with.

Finally, Mister A's favourite...

LEGO City: Fire Academy 

This is an amazing soft play area that reaches up to the ceiling. A loved it - I was terrified watching!

Alex realises how high up he is!
We also had coffees and cakes in LEGO Cafe and, as usual for an attraction like this, we found the prices to be slightly inflated.

The only thing that I was dissapointed in at LDC was the baby changing facility. When I took Little E in there to change her nappy, both bins were overflowing with dirty nappies and it stank - even though the sign on the wall clearly stated that it had just been checked.

Not only that there had been a flood from the sink and when I put my changing bag on the floor it got soaked and it's ruined. So the money that I saved from winning the tickets will now have to be spent on a new changing bag.

On the way out we visited the LEGO shop and I was desperate to buy half the store. They had Lego head egg cups and Lego head salt and pepper pots but what I really wanted was some Lego brick and Lego man ice cube trays...

Unfortunately knowing that I had to save my pennies to buy a new changing bag I decided to keep my purse firmly in said, smelly, wet bag.

So what's the verdict?

We had a really fun afternoon at Legoland Discovery Centre and we think it is definitely worth a visit. We all had great fun and we would recommend it to other young families. It will be nice to go again in a few years when Little E can appreciate it too - I don't suppose she'll remember much at 17 days old!

Keep checking back here for a chance to win a family pass for your family to visit Legoland Discovery Centre!

1 comment:

  1. Great review, I had seen that this place had opened, but there didn't seem to be much publicity about it, and I wasn't sure what was there.

    The geekdaughter is almost 3, and it sounds like there would be plenty for her to do there :)

