Monday, 16 May 2011

Review: Lego Duplo Play With Letters Set

Here at Second Time Mummy we are lucky enough to be Lego Duplo Experts. In fact Lego Duplo are even sponsoring us to go to CyberMummy 2011 in June.

This week we had an email telling us we were getting sent some more goodies to review. Mister A was so excited, he loves Duplo, so I showed him the Play With Letters set on the Lego website.

It arrived the very next day and he couldn't wait to get it open. We love toys in our house but when there's an educational aspect that's even better. Mister A is great with letters and his writing is coming on in leaps and bounds. 

Here's what Lego say about the set: "Build a bigger vocabulary with LEGO® DUPLO® bricks! It has never been more fun to learn the alphabet! Big, colourful LEGO® DUPLO® bricks with matching letters and pictures, let children will have a great time learning letters."

Here's what Mister A thought of the set...

After unpacking Mister A decided to set himself a challenge. He wanted to lay out all the letters of the alphabet. It was great watching him hunt for all the letters and soon the alphabet began to emerge...

As boys do, he quickly tore the letters apart and started plotting an alphabet tower...

But as well as the alphabet bricks there are lots of other pieces too...

and soon the 'flowers' that are included in the set were being used as propellers...

Mister A really enjoys buildingg with Lego Duplo, it's great to see his thought process when he's playing and deciding what to buld next.

This set is great because he's having fun but also learning the alphabet too. It's using his creative side but also thinking about the different letters, shapes and colours.

Mister A is 4 and a half now so he's almost ready for 'big boys Lego' - that's not a problem though because Duplo fits Lego perfectly. 
I can highly recommend this set for many, many hours of fun!

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