Sunday, 22 May 2011

The One Where I'm Half Naked With A Hoover

It's no secret that I love a bargain and friends of mine will know that every once in a while I get a little bit addicted to something - whether that's zig zag partings, a certain Gypsy Kings CD or collecting ring pulls from coke cans, there's always something on the go. 

Well now the bargain loving and the addictions have combined and I have officially gone mad with it! Yes, my name's Leanne and I'm a daily deal site addict.

Where's the problem in that I here you ask? Well, the problem is I buy things I don't really want or need - hence me spending yesterday half naked with someone hoovering my love handles at a session of lipo massage. I didn't even find out what lipo massage was - I just clicked buy! 

Next week Chris and I are off on an aerial rope course - another one of my buy before you think purchases.

In the hall sits a huge box of  sunglasses that I bought in the hope that they'd last me through the Summer - none of them fit and even if they did they'd make me look like Jeff Goldblum in The Fly.

I bought my entire family go-karting vouchers at Christmas - yeah, I bet they were thrilled! -We still haven't been.

There are too many more to name and this has to stop. Do you have any strange addictions? Share them to make me feel better. I promise to try and stop making silly purchases but I'll just go see what's on offer today though first!

1 comment:

  1. This really made me smile, I've just tweeted about one of mine - I love love LOVE cutting hair. Don't think I would have made a good hairdresser. But my 2daughters always had beautifully (?) trimmed hair when they were little :0)

