Monday, 27 December 2010

Really? You call that a stocking filler?

Last week I explained to Chris that this year we were all going to leave a stocking out for Santa to fill. Chris looked horrified at the thought of buying 'extra presents'. I explained that this was purely for Mister A's benefit and that the stocking fillers need only be something small. Secretly I thought it was a great way to ensure I got some nice little presents too! Well I have to say, I'm not sure it really went to plan. This was one of my stocking fillers...

Yes, that's right. When I'd scrambled past the tangerine in my stocking I pulled out an interesting looking box. Yes... He'd even gone to the trouble of wrapping it! "Oooh I wonder what this could be?" I said pulling off the paper. You can imagine the look on my face when I opened it, can't you - I don't even like chicken soup! I explained this to my other half to which he replied in all seriousness "Oh no! I've wrapped the wrong one, you should have got Vegetable." A fit of giggles followed. That'll teach me to be present hungry!

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