Tuesday, 19 July 2011

BritMums Carnival

Hello and welcome to the BritMums carnival!

I have so enjoyed reading all of your posts and suggest you should read every single one of these....

There was no theme for this one - I just wanted your favourite posts from the past month and I wasn't dissapointed. I've grouped them as best I can, sorry I haven't managed to feature all of them.

If you fancy a chuckle then head over to Mammasaurus and read her aptly named poem 'Thank F*ck It's Bed Time' - I'm pretty sure you'll all agree with every word, I have printed it off and stuck it to my fridge!

Adventures of a Fab Brunette also had me giggling with her post 'Biking In Amsterdam' - a new blog discovery for me too - bonus!

At Milk Chic, I found that I was guilty of all of her 'Crimes of Breastfeeding' - a definite one to read if you have ever been accused of 'making a rod for your own back'! That post leads nicely on to the Milton's Manor post on the Breastfeeding Flashmob at London's Paddington Station. Great pics there too!

Cass at Frugal Family has written a really great post about her son's progress since being enrolled on the Reading Recovery Programme. 'You Can't Put a Price On Some Things' is so lovely, I was nearly in tears by the end.

I also shed a tear reading Mum's The Word post 'The Other Woman', cancer is such a cruel illness and a subject that is very close to my heart.

My heart strings were tugged too by the post 'Crying on the Commuter Train' over at The Real Life of a Narrow Boat Wife.

Michelle at Mummy From The Heart has submitted her post 'I Hate This Feeling' about children testing the boundaries - well worth a read as I'm sure many parent's can relate to this post. There's some great comments too.

A short and sweet post from Jenny at the Gingerbread House - The Novelty of Pregnancy - she's fed up of her maternity wear. Congratulations by the way - I have bump envy!

If you fancy getting crafty then head over to Red Ted Art and have a go at Summer Picture Craft - we're inspired but I guess we'll have to wait for the sun to come back out before we start ours! Or if you want to get crafty in the kitchen then go watch the fab vlog over at Crumbs on how to make 'Fab Ice Lollies!'

Pippa at A Mother's Ramblings has a lovely story to share with her 'How A Cookie Made Me Cry' post. Congratulations to Emma too!

And finally for some great photography check out Diane's Colour: Feeds my eyes, warms my soul and Fun As A Gran lovely post on her recent break with some great shots from around the UK.

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