Sunday, 10 April 2011

Review: Clippy London Bag

I was really excited to get the chance to review a Clippy bag because I have admired them from afar for quite a while. It's one of those things that you know you'd like but you're not really sure what it'll look like in the flesh.

First off, What is Clippy?

The very first Clippy bag was made by a lovely lady called Calypso Rose (called Clippy by her friends) on the kitchen table. Clippy wanted to display all of her collection of Polaroid photographs in a bag. Lots and lots of people stopped her in the street and wanted to know where the bag had come from so she decided to make some for others and put 250 bags into production. She customised a large bag with a sign saying 'stop me and buy one' and then hired a stall on the Portobello Road, London. Clippy sold all her bags in the first month - hurrah. Clippy (then known as Clippykit) was up and running. 

So how does it work?

Well it's really simple you just head over to choose the size of bag you'd like - they sell make up bags all the way up to large shoppers.

When you've chosen you can then select the pics that you want on your bag. I decided to go for pics of the kids - I'm cute like that. It can be annoying having to upload pics, especially when you've already uploaded them before to Facebook. No worries, Clippy can access Facebook and use photos from there - EASY!

As you upload your images, you select where you would like them to sit on the bag. Once you've filled one side, you can flip the bag and fill the other. There's stock images too so if you want you can mix your pics in with some other funky imagery.

What does the finished article look like?

Well, I have to be honest, these pictures I've taken do not do the bag justice. It looks so much better. in real life. Here's my creation...

So what's the verdict?

The process is so simple and delivery is fast. I'm really impressed with the bag and I'm already planning another non-children version with all of my favourite things on it (yes, I'm talking about my Manolo's!) This would make a perfect gift for Grandma - she can use it when she's out shopping for the Grand Kids. I would definitely recommend Clippy - whether for something special for yourself or a unique gift - I guarantee you'll love it. Go on, try it, GO!

Disclosure: I received a Clippy bag free of charge to enable me to write this review.

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