Tuesday, 12 April 2011

WIN 1 of 3 RoC Retin-Ox Wrinkle Fillers

As you may already know, you can also find me blogging over at Parenting Resources for Babywear Brands.

Babywear Brands is a leading Irish & UK online shop for lovely clothes for babies, kids & maternity, baby products, toys, books & now cosmetics!

To celebrate the launch of cosmetics on their site Babywear Brands have given me 3 RoC Retin-Ox Wrinkle Fillers to give away...

All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is head over to Babywear Brands have a look around and tell me what other Health & Beauty items you think that they should stock.

Leave a comment below telling me what you'd like to see and 3 of you will be randomly selected to win!

For an extra entry tweet "I've entered to win 1 of 3 RoC Retin-Ox Wrinkle Fillers at @second_time_mum's blog - you should too! http://bit.ly/hT3qU4 " and leave an extra
comment telling me that you've tweeted.


Prizedraw closes at midnight on Friday 22nd April 2011. Find more prizes at ThePrizeFinder - UK Competitions. Loquax Competitions

1 comment:

  1. I think all woman buy there products by the way the look and smell,I like the classic White look when it comes to face creams ect,as it makes u think that it pure and no nastys put into it,I follow on Twitter I'm ekitt1001

