Friday, 5 October 2012

#WWBack2Best Challenge Week 1

BritMums - Back2best Challenge

So today's the day. My first weigh in. It's been a bit of a mixed week - my fridge freezer broke losing me over £200 of fresh and frozen food that I had bought to prepare all of our meals from scratch. We lost everything - all of the meat, veg, and my skimmed milk. The whole thing just packed in over night and proceeded to cook everything on the inside. By the time we realised even the meat that we had frozen had started to cook. Nightmare. Mum has kindly leant us her small fridge from her garage but it really is tiny - only big enough to store milk and butter so every single night I have to go to Tesco - this in itself has meant week 1 of WW has been rather difficult.

So here goes... after my first week I have....

LOST 5lb

I am amazed! Although I am determined to loose as much as possible for my trip. Ive been sticking to the plan 100% - just snacking on 0 point fruit and veg and I guess all that running back and forth to the shops has helped! 

So despite my best intentions of wanting to cook fresh meals every night - so far I have only managed a few. This is my favourite meal yet - from theWeight Watchers cookery book...

Tiger Prawn Tagliatelle

It was so delicious and really, really simple to prepare and cook. With food like that to eat, you never go hungry!

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