Tuesday, 23 October 2012

WIN! Duracell Halloween Competition

Recently the lovely people over at Duracell got in touch with us. They wanted to talk to us and you about batteries (funnily enough!)

Did you know that a staggering one third of alkaline batteries thrown away may still have up to 67 per cent of usable power left inside? Duracell together with Energy Saving Trust are helping families like us to maximise battery power, tap into unused resource and reduce wastage by giving their batteries a second life.

To demonstrate that batteries that have been assumed ‘dead’ can be given a second life Duracell want you to try them in your low drain household devices such as remote controls, clocks and torches. To promote the campaign Duracell have created a film featuring the Duracell Bunny - he transforms into an impressive light sculpture, showcasing how batteries which people have presumed ‘dead’ could still have useful power inside and can be given a second life. You can watch it here...

And as we approach that spooky time of year, Duracell have provided us with a fabulous Halloween party pack prize for one lucky winner to enjoy with thier children. The prize pack includes all the ingredients for a Halloween party with your little monsters - including decorations, masks and party games to play in the dark made even spookier by using a torch, run by part-powered batteries that have been rescued from the recycling stream!

To enter just answer the question on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!! a Rafflecopter giveaway

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