Wednesday, 23 November 2011

So it seems it's been quite a while since I posted anything personal on here. Ive been so busy at work these past few months that I've just not had time. I've posted here and there but nothing about 'us'. So I thought I'd just share what's been going on at at our end...

Mister A

Well he certainly LOVES school. He has practically begged us to let him stay at after school club with the other kids - err no way Jose - I'm enjoying the free schooling thank you very much (well except for the £10 a week lunch money!)

At his first ever Parent's Evening Mister A's teacher said...

"He's the most gifted child in the class, others fight to be his friend, he chats to everyone in the school without a care in the world, his numeracy is brilliant (he can count forwards and backwards to 100), he's very analytical and is brilliant at problem solving
and he is a joy to have around...."
They just could not be happier with him and more importantly I am VERY proud to say that the school have placed him on the 'Gifted and Talented' register for literacy!! He is so clever!  (Psssstttt... Did I tell you - we made him? That make us clever too - right?)

Little E

Well she's walking!! Hooray! She loves it at nursery and she is developing a VERY mischevious personality. She loves to play the keyboard and is turning in to a mini Elton John. Her and Mister A have a great bond and she often just walks over to him and puts her head on him saying "aaaaaaahhhhhh" - I cry almost everytime!


Well he had a lovely birthday - with the most amazing Cadbury's Chocolate Hedgehog cake. He loved dressing up for Halloween (especially the eye shadow!) and for the past week and a half he has been waiting on me hand and foot *see below for explanation!)


Well I've been a bit of a nightmare of late... a proper scatty head! I'm not sure when it started but this past month has seen me lock myself out of the car on the hard shoulder of the motorway. Lock Ellissia in the car with the keys (that was the neighbours fault though)!
To explain... The car had iced over, I had no de-icer so I was scraping furiously at the windows trying not to be late for work. Mr B from next door says looks over at me in my panic, "Ooooh haven't you got any de-icer?" He goes to his boot, gets his out and waves it at me. "Oh, thanks!" I shout, thinking he's going to let me use it when he's done. Instead he just gets in his car and drives off. I was SO p*ssed off that I whacked in to the door - it closed, the central locking locked itself and poor Little E just sat in the car waiting patienty for Grandma to arrive withthe spare keys. She did, Little E didn't bat an eyelid - she's fine.
As if that wasn't enough - the weekend before last I managed to slip in the shower. At the time I thought I'd broken my finger but it turns out that was the least of my worries and so when I started struggling to breathe I had to take a trip to A&E. Turns out I've cracked ribs and I can tell you - THAT HURTS... A LOT. So now I'm at home feeling v.sorry for myself. *cries in to soup* Feel free to send flowers, gifts and fruit!

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