Wednesday, 4 January 2012

See you later 2011, 2012 is going to be a Good 'Un!

Well it's certainly been a challenging end to the year. It felt like anything that could go wrong did - I broke my ribs, the kids were sick and my Grandad was rushed to hospital to name but a few.

I feel so glad that 2012 has finally arrived and we can start afresh. Don't get me wrong, 2011 wasn't all bad - we had some fantastic times and lots of amazing celebrations - Mister A starting school, Little E's first steps oh and if I'm going to be materialistic I can't not mention the iPad 2 and Kindle wins!!

Times have been tough but I feel our luck has changed and I am so looking forward to the weeks ahead. I hope you have all had an amazing Christmas and that the New Year is treating you well. I have a lot of catching up to do on here but I'm back and I'm here to stay. Let the good times role!!!

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