Wednesday, 30 June 2010

What to Wear?

My train tickets have arrived and the hotel is booked - I'm all set for Saturday's trip to the 'big smoke' for the Gurgle Blog Awards... all except for one thing - what am I going to wear?!

It's difficult enough deciding what to wear normally, never mind with added complication of a huge bump! And with less than 8 weeks to go 'til baby arrives I am feeling slightly limited in what I can wear. Heels are definitely out of the question - I certainly don't want to end up with the dreaded 'cankle' or aggravate my back so I'll have to opt for some sensible flats - something I would never usually consider for such an important occasion.

The trouble with any event of this kind is you never know what anyone else is going to be wearing. It's not like when you go out with your friends and call each other up beforehand to see if it's skirts or skinny jeans. I have no one to call, no one to rely on and what's more I have to actually plan in advance not even knowing what the weather will be like by the time I step off the train. It's got fashion disaster written all over it!

For those of you 'bump rockers' and nursing mummies that are struggling for outfits check out my top picks from some of the hottest maternity brands...

Ripe Maternity has some of the most amazing occasion dresses. Whether your off to a black tie dinner or you've been picked to be a bridesmaid you're sure to find the perfect dress in their collection.

Belly Button has a great selection ranging from basics like vest tops and shorts through boho tops and evening dresses. I am completely in love with the Nicola Evening dress shown here (in purple).

Queen Mum have a fab selection of day wear and key pieces for your Summer maternity wardrobe.

Finally, Boob is another great brand - specialising in nursing pieces - they have a great selection that can be dressed up or down for any occasion.

Maybe the problem is that there are too many gorgeous things to choose from! Who knows what I'll end up in come Saturday night!?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous01 July, 2010

    Thank you so much - my best friend asked me to be bridesmaid at her wedding this Christmas. I've just recently found out that I'm pregnant and was worried about telling her - now I can show her the ripe dresses and try and convince her it will all be ok!

