Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Did You Nose? (sp)

The Otrivine Brand is one that's been very close to our hearts noses over the past couple of years - for the children from when they were babies through to me and my horrible nose. Unfortunately, I suffer from regular/chronic sinusitis and over the past 2 years I have suffered at least 10 times with sinusitis. It's an awful infection that causes me a lot of pain and can last for up to 8 weeks at a time.

Desperate for some kind of prevention, I begged my doctor to help. He suggested that rather than trying to constantly treat the infection, I should take a daily dose of Otrivine Nasal Spray as a way of prevention. I wasn't convinced to be honest and felt a little cheated that he couldn't offer a more spectacular cure. However, since I started using the spray around 4 months ago, I have only suffered once with the infection. RESULT. Usually during the winter months I'm a constant mess of mucus - sorry TMI!

So already feeling a sense of trust with Otrivine,  I was really interested to hear that there is an Otrivine Natural Nasal Spray - a really unique product made from completely natural ingredients that claims to give effective relief from nasal congestion in less than 3 minutes.

Now you might not suffer from sinusitis like me, but we all know what it's like when you're full of cold and all bunged up. It's not something parents can dwell on they just have to get on with it.  Being blocked up can make everything feel that much more stressful and tiring so strangely I cant wait to try the natural version and se if it has the same effect! I'll certainly let you know how I get on but in the meantime here's a couple of really interesting facts that I bet you didn't nose (sorry - it's them not me!)

Find out more about Otrivine's full product range at

Disclosure I was paid a fee to host this blog post however the content and opinions in this post are my own.

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