Monday, 2 September 2013

The One Where I Make a Pledge

Eeeek, I've been neglecting the blog again but this time it's for a good reason... I've decided to get fit. Despite joining the gym about 9 months ago (when I was planning my secret wedding) I've not been at all in the last few months. The money goes out of my account each month but the only contact I've had with them since June is a phone call from them to check I'm still alive! #ouch

Just because I haven't been the gym though, doesn't mean I've been slobbing around on the couch all Summer - no I have ACTUALLY been getting fit (or trying to!)

It all started back in May when I accidently won a place in the National Lottery Back to the Stadium Run. From that day I got up off my ass and started trying to train, and you know what? I actually enjoyed it... so much so that I entered myself in the Liverpool Race for Life 5k too! I was really pleased with the times I ran and since then I've really caught the running bug and I've been going out at 3 times a week to run at least 3 miles. I love it - especially when I get back and I can see how many calories I've burnt!

I've joined Slimming World too - although some heavy drinking over the past 2 weekends have left me back where I started so I need to get back on the wagon.

The reason I'm posting though, is because today I saw a  post by the lovely Chelle McCann over at Unique and Chic and that's inspired me to 'Smash it in September'. I pledge to work out at least 20 minutes a day throughout September and blog about my journey along the way on BigMum > LittleMum - yep I'm bringing the extinct yoyo dieting blog back! And by Christmas I'll be wowing you all with my new body - that's a promise!

To find out more about #SmashItSept just click on the image below... in fact why not join in?!

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