Sunday, 24 March 2013

How to Make a Very Easy Easter Bonnet

Every year at Mister A's school there is an Easter Bonnet parade on the last day of term. It's a great chance to get crafty and keep the kids quiet. This year we've gone for a really simple but effective completely home made bonnet.

Here's what you will need to make yours...

To make the hat
2 pieces of card - we used blue and yellow
double sided tape (or glue)

To decorate

craft wool
easter chicks

First take the card and draw an oval around the same size as your child's head. I used a kitchen bowl to get an idea of size. Then mark the outer edge to give around 5cm thickness for your hat base.

Then cut out the hat base carefully. Remember you can always cut more out but it's harder to make it smaller again! Once you've cut it out try it on...

Next, cut strips of card to make the top of your bonnet. Bend the bottom of the strip upwards and add double sided tape to secure the strips to the underside of your hat.

Keep adding strips across the hat base to form a dome.

Keep building the strips until you have a full bonnet.

Now you're ready to add your decoration. All of the decorations were stuck on with double sided tape.

We used craft wool to make grass...

 Gradually we add the eggs and chicks...

All around the bonnet...

And there you have it...
an Easter Bonnet in only 15 minutes!


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