Sunday, 26 August 2012

Shoes for Comfort and Style

The advice often given to the expectant mum is to take the weight off her feet as often as possible, especially towards the end of pregnancy.  That just goes to show how important comfortable shoes are when you’re a mum-to-be, not only for everyday and leisure wear, but also for those more formal occasions.  The traditional image of maternity wear and shoes tended to be on the frumpy side, but the good news is with today’s range of fashion footwear, there’s something for everyone, not least the pregnant mum.
One of the more unexpected physical changes  that women notice during their pregnancy is that legs and feet can swell, especially in the heat, and of course back and leg aches are often an issue.  While there are specialist ranges of shoes for expectant mums, it’s not necessary to go out and buy a pair of pregnancy shoes to make sure that you are comfortable, and that you have good support for your feet and for the rest of your body as your waistline expands.  What you do need to ensure is a good fit, with room for your feet to expand, and make sure that the shoes are made from a breathable material.  You can look stylish and be comfortable, and browsing through the range of womens shoes from Next UK will provide you with some great ideas on how to team up fashion shoes with your favourite maternity wear.
The general recommendation is to avoid heels once you are heavily pregnant, as they won’t give you the support that you need, and the fact that your balance is thrown forward is likely to cause backache.  Instead, buy that pair of glamour stilettos to celebrate once the baby is born!   Instead investigate the variety of styles in flatties this season, from ballerinas and slip-ons for everyday, to glitter-strewn slippers for those special occasions.  The new Davina Collection is designed to provide additional mid-sole support, whilst being trendy and colourful.  Final tip – as part of your programme to look after yourself during pregnancy, consider having a weekly foot massage, which many mums-to-be find really relaxing, and it also helps to improve circulation, and tone and care for your feet.

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