Monday, 30 July 2012

BritMums #ColourMeInRK Entry

A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to be sent an amazing pen set and huge box of Rice Krispies from BritMums and Kelloggs so that we could take part in the #ColourMeInRK linky.

Mister A is 5 and LOVES colouring so he couldn't wait to get stuck in. He took it all very seriously - even ssssh-ing me at one point when I asked him what he'd like for lunch! He spent a good half an hour perfecting it and here he is with his finished box...

He also wrote a quick thank you too...
Just in case you can't read it, it says: "Hi, my name is Alex and this is my rice krispies colouring. Thank you for sending me the pen-set - I love it."

And here's the finished entry for the BritMums #ColourMeInRK competition, sponsored by Kellogg’s.

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