Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Trip to the hospital : (

Sorry I haven't been around this week. I've been really ill. Thought I could 'manage on' but I finally gave in yesterday and went to the Health Centre.

I haven't felt 100% for a few weeks and I'd already had a course of antibiotics for sinusitis but I never really got better properly and developed a really horrible hacking cough. I left it and left it but when I saw blood coming up I headed to the doc.

The doctor at the Health Centre sent me to the labour ward - I wasn't expecting to get there so soon! They checked me out and diagnosed a severe chest infection so now I have more antibiotics and I'm off work until Tuesday.

One good thing did come out of it though - I managed to get a sneaky peak of one of the water birth rooms. Check out the pics I took on my mobile (I've cobbled them together!)

It looks really nice - even bigger than the room I had Mister A in. I can't wait now. 21 weeks to go! x

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