Sunday, 27 December 2009

Worn Out!

I woke up today at 1pm - this tiny little baby bean in my tummy is draining me of all of my energy. I don't remember ever being this tired when I was pregnant with Mister A. I don't know whether it's because I'm a few years older now or whether having a toddler means that I'm doing a lot more running around than I was last time - either way I don't know how I'll cope when I go back to work after my Christmas holiday!

And my boobs!! Don't even get me started on them - they feel like they're about to drop off! For those of you experiencing the same thing - worry not - this tenderness is caused by increased oestrogen levels as your boobs start gearing up for future breast feeding. They'll be getting bigger and heavier - something pleasing my fiance a great deal (not that he'll be getting anywhere near them)!! A new bra is a must - when I have the energy to actually go shopping!


  1. Congratulations on the pregnancy and the blog!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. omg congrats!! im only 21 but i want a baby so bad. hopefully we can be good friends and one day when i have mine maybe i will be able to come to you for advice =] either way congrats again...i'm looking forward to reading about the experience, and thank you for sharing this with us =]

  4. Thank you for your support! Keep posting and tell your friends to follow - I promise to make this blog entertaining! Much love x

