Friday, 17 April 2015

Caravaning With Cake

Last week we were lucky enough to be able to take a trip up to the Lakes for Easter Half Term. Just before we left we received a fabulous parcel courtesy of BritMums and Mr Kipling...

....3 delicious boxes of cakes! We packed them in to the car and headed North to Haven Lakeside to our home for the weekend - a 3 bedroomed caravan of dreams. The children knew immediatedly that the weekend would definitely be #BetterWithCake! So we cracked open the Cherry Bakewells to boost energy levels and help us unpack. 

They obviously went down a treat! After a very wet and windy night (yes Im talking about the weather) and after thinking the whole caravan was going to tip over from the gales we decided to gave a games day until the weather died down. We played chess, draughts and even made up a new card game before stopping for lunch and cake. Next on the list of delights was my all time favourite...

French Fancies!! My grandma used to treat me to these all the time when I was growing up and these brought back some fantastic memories and lots of lovely stories to tell the children.

They absolutely loved them as you can see....

 but luckily their favourites are the chocolate fancies and I love the pink! RESULT

A couple of days in, the weather improved and after a lovely day exploring the coast we headed back for even more delights... Viennese Whirls!! Nom nom nom - they got a huge thumbs of from Mister A and Little E.

We had a fabulous time away and it was certainly made #BetterWithCake! Thank you to Mr K for the lovely samples (and th momeories too!)

This post is an entry for #BetterWithCake Linky Challenge, sponsored by Mr Kipling. Learn more at

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