Monday, 20 October 2014

Halloween Best Buys - A Review

Morphsuits from £16.99

Ive only ever really seen stag parties wearing Morphsuits but I think they are hilarious. When I was looking for Halloween outfits for the children, I was pleasantly surprised to see they also stocked a children's range too! Little E and Mister A had wanted matching outfits - which is easier said than done when you have a very opinionated boy and girl! We ordered these glow in the dark alien suits in small and medium and they are fantastic!! The children love them and despite them covering their heads and face they really enjoy wearing them!

Lego Mixels £3 each

The children absolutely love Halloween but I'm always concerned about the amount of sweet treats that they receive. Instead of buying sweets - these Lego Mixels are a perfect little treat to keep the kids entertained. These 3 are part of the Wiztastic Tribe and can be combined together to make one epic Mixel creature. I can highly recommend these - Lego really gets the imagine flowing and Mister A and Little E really enjoyed helping each other to build the tribe.

Halloween Creepy Crackers £4

These Crackers from Sainsburys went down well with the kids - they love crackers at Christmas so it was nice for them to enjoy them a little earlier this year. They contain the usual plastic mini toys and at £4 for 8 I'd say great to get in if you having a party.

Zombie Juggling Balls RRP £9.99

These got a lot of giggles in our house. These juggling balls groan as you catch them...or drop them as we found to be much more realistic. We've discovered we're all pretty rubbish jugglers so we've been plying hot potato with them instead as a fun Halloween game

Flashing Ghost

Little E loves this little ghost. It's not too scary and unlike some flashing toys it isn't so bright that it gives you a headache. She has been playing catch with this while Mister A has been practising his zombie juggling!

Serving Bowl £2 - Sainsburys

If you're having a little party then you're going to need a serving bowl for your ghoulish treats. It's large enough to cater for a party and cheap enough to be able to buy a couple that will last years!

Light Up Pumpkin £2 - Sainsburys

Perfect for the little ones! A safe mini pumpkin that's not too scary. Little E has been playing with this all week in her play kitchen. We've been to buy more to decorate the house.

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