Saturday, 13 September 2014

Growing Up Too Fast #PowerOfSoft *sp*

Last week my youngest, my baby girl, started school. Last week my oldest, my baby boy, started junior school. Words can not describe the heart wrenching feeling that comes with waving goodbye to your little ones on their first day. My heart was broken... they are growing up too fast.

Little E was four years old just 3 weeks ago and now she's already a week in to the school year. It feels like only yesterday I was holding her and Mister A in my arms, cuddling them for the first time, staring in to their eyes as I fed them. But it feels like a lifetime ago...

Seven and a half years have passed since Mister A was born. No one could have prepared me for the intense love that a mother feels. I am so, so proud of my children and everything they do. There is no better feeling than snuggling up with them to talk about their day or watch a film on TV. They'll never be too old for cuddles!

So many children these days grow up too fast for the wrong reasons... because they're watching things they shouldn't on TV or playing 18 rated video games. In our house we have a motto....

Some people might think that this makes my children naive but I think it just makes my children, children.

The time really does go so fast when you have little ones so make the most of every single minute. Dance with them, sing with them and make memories that will last a lifetime.

My top tip for any new parents out there would be to blog if you can or keep a memory book or diary for you to look back on in future years when they are flying the nest... because before you know it you'll be waving them off to uni or travelling and memories of those little people you once knew will be the only thing you have.

I'll leave you with this video that will have you in tears!

Disclosure: I received some Fairy Non Bio products and payment in return for my memories.

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