Monday, 25 August 2014

The Debenhams Back to School Competition #DebsDreamUniform

Since it's a rainy Bank Holiday Monday, the children are bored - at least I think they are - they've only told me a hundred times! Yesterday when I was catching up on my favourite blogs I came across The Debenhams Back to School Competition over at Mellow Mummy blog. So to stem the boredom Mister A headed over to the Debenhams website to complete the challenge....

He took about abhor to decide (I am not kidding!) and finally selected his ideal uniform from the selection of boys wear at Debenhams. These were his final choices...

Mantaray Long Sleeve Bear Top from £10
RJR John Rocha Turquoise Trousers from £18

Sketchers 'Yoke' High Tops £40

He loves the outfit so much that he decided to draw himself wearing it...

Here he is explaining why he choose his outfit...

Little E had a go too - although since she's only starting school in September the novelty of wearing a uniform hasn't yet worn off! She choose a Summer dress with a winter hat and scarf and some rainbow coloured Sketchers...

She did draw a picture too but she made me promise not to post it because she accidentally made her hair in to a beard!

So there you have it - our entry in the the #DebsDreamUniform Comp!

Your little ones can enter too over at or

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