Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The One Where I Learn to Wakeboard

A few weeks ago I was contacted by the lovely people over at Duracell about their new 'Power Me’ campaign. They explained how Duracell were powering people to take the first steps to achieving their goals.

Their ambassador James Cracknell launched the campaign by doing an endurance challenge on the London Eye (you can watch the video at the bottom of this post).

Anyway, they asked me if I had any goals that I wanted to achieve and that really got me thinking. I wrote myself a list of things I wanted to do. The one thing that stood out to me (and the one that I knew I'd need a kick up the bum to do) was learn to wake-board. Chris is really good at it and Ive always wanted to have a go but never had the guts so I replied and the deed was done. I was booked on to my first ever wake-boarding lesson on 28th July - my birthday!

So on Sunday I found myself squeezing in to a wetsuit. Now if I'd actually thought about this for even a second and considered the fact that you would all see me in said wetsuit I'd have probably chosen something different! So here... let's get it out the way...

After donning our helmets and life jackets we entered the water. Here's how I got on...

I have to say, I am so so so surprised that I even managed to stay up for a few seconds - never mind for a whole length of the lake! I absolutely loved every single minute of it. It was such a fabulous day out and the children loved watching us get wet too.

Mister A has made us promise that next time we go he can have a lesson too. I think we've got ourselves a new family hobby!

Huge thanks to Duracell for making this happen. You can see James Cracknell launch the #PowerMe campaign here...

or find out more on the Duracell Facebook page

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