Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Review: LEGO Duplo Creative Cakes & Creative Sorter

Earlier this year we were sent some more fabulous Duplo products to review as part of the Duplo Blogger Programme, here's how we got on...

DUPLO 6785: Creative Cakes

Wow, what can I say about this set - we absolutely LOVE it!

Little E (20mths) was immediately drawn to the colours, she loves Duplo and she loves anything pink.

I produced the set as a distraction in the middle of a toddler rampage. The screeches immediately subsided and Little E sat down to play. She was soon joined by a very intrigued Mister A (5yrs) - he was concerned that Duplo was now in girly colours!

Together they 'baked' their cakes  and pretended to eat. It was great to see them playing together and helping each other and soon the hostess trolley was out with Little E encouraging us all to pretend to eat cakes with them. *Pic to follow when I find the right SD card!*

I was really impressed with this set and thought it was great to incorporate the lid as a tray to help with role play - I love a dual use me!

DUPLO 6784: Creative Sorter

We actually had the privilege to see this in action before it hit the shops. As part of our Duplo Blogger role we got to see some of the prototypes for the new range back in the Autumn. This was one of my favourites then and it hasn't let me down now that we have it at home.

The great thing about this is that it can be played with on so many different ways.

We love that this set has been created as a unique shape sorter. There are 4 individual sorting sheets that when placed in the tub can be used like a traditional shape sorter.

If that's too advanced then remove the sorter from the tub, lay  on a flat surface and use them as a basic jigsaw fitting the pieces in to the sorter....

And then of course once it's completed you can build the Duplo in to your animal shapes...

This set is great and has proved challenging (in a good way!) for both Mister A and Little E. They have always worked together with Mister A helping his sister with the shape sorter and teaching her about the colours.

My absolute favourite thing about Duplo is the way that it brings the children together despite their 4 year age difference and the fact that eldest loves Ben 10 and littlest loves Peppa Pig.

Mister A also knows that he can ad his own 'big boys' lego to the Duplo too - "so it's not just for babies!"

My kids love both sets and I'll feel that they're learning as they play - what more can I ask?

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