Tuesday, 20 March 2012

A Poem For My Grandads Funeral

RIP Grandad
Ralph William McLoughlin
24th October 1917 - 19th March 2012

It is with a very sad heart that I have to tell you all that my Grandad passed away yesterday. He was 94 years old but in all honesty it has come as a massive shock. Until last year he was still driving and he worked until the grand old age of 84.

It is his funeral on Friday and I have been asked if Id like to do a reading. I had a look at various verses and poems but none seemed quite 'him' so this morrning I wrote this poem. I'm just hoping I can read it through my tears. 

Although his chair is empty
His mug of tea no more
We mustn’t think of him as gone
We mustn’t close the door

Our Grandad is still here you see
He’s watching from the sky
Protecting us from here on in
As each day passes by

He would not want this sadness
He’d want us just to smile
Because he had the greatest life
Every minute was worthwhile

We shared so many good times 
And we had so many years
We must remember those today
And wipe away our tears 

He made each day so special
But its time for him to rest 
We thank you for just everything
Grandad you were the best.

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