Sunday, 14 February 2010

Big Day Tomorrow!!

Tomorrow we will finally get to see baby no. 2 for the first time - we can't wait - best Valentine's present ever!

It's week 12 now and I've been really good - I've taken my Pregnacare plus tablets everyday. I would recommend them to you mums-to-be. I have to say I did start off just taking regular folic acid but I wasn't feeling 100% as soon as I swapped to the Pregnacare I seemed to perk up!

Although I have felt awful this week, I had a 48 hour headache and had to stay in bed most of yesterday. It eased off in the evening so I gave my mum and dad a lift in to town to get drunk. I promised them a lift home too but I stayed up 'til 1am and they hadn't called. When I rang my dad he was a little worse for wear but they had made it home without 'Daughter Taxi' - can't believe they didn't call!! Oh how the roles have reversed!!

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